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    All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing – Inquiry
    The All Party Parliamentary Group for Arts, Health and Wellbeing was launched in January 2014. Peers and MPs with a shared interest in the field of arts and health come together for regular events to hear about and discuss the latest developments relevant to current policy priorities.

    Creative & Credible
    Creative & Credible supports arts and health organisations and practitioners to:

    • engage with evaluation creatively
    • improve your practice
    • make well-informed spending decisions
    • strengthen the evidence base around the benefits and impacts of arts and health projects

    The state of care in mental health services 2014 to 2017
    The report combines evidence from Quality Care Commision inspections and findings from their role monitoring use of the the Mental Health Act, as well as analysis of data from other sources. This rich resource of information means we now know more about the quality of mental health care than ever before.

    Wellbeing scales
    The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being scale was developed to enable the monitoring of mental wellbeing in the general population and the evaluation of projects, programmes and policies which aim to improve mental wellbeing.

    Music Education HubsArts Council Link
    Music Education Hubs are groups of organisations – such as local authorities, schools, other hubs, art organisations, community or voluntary organisations – working together to create joined-up music education provision, respond to local need and fulfil the objectives of the hub as set out in the national plan for Music Education.

    Music Education CouncilWebsite
    The Music Education Council (MEC) acts as a medium for bringing together in a working relationship those organisations and institutions in the United Kingdom involved in music education and music education training, thereby creating a common meeting ground and opportunities for the exchange of information and the promotion of joint or connected activities.

    Musicians Union – Website 
    The Musicians’ Union is a trade union run for its 30,000 members. It provides practical advice on developing and sustaining a successful career, from first rehearsals and gigs, to getting press, maintaining an online presence and flying with instruments.

    PRS for MusicWebsite
    PRS pay royalties to members when their work is performed, broadcast, streamed, downloaded, reproduced, played in public or used in film and TV. They support them by influencing policy, supporting and hosting awards and events, and investing in new technology to ensure we’re fit for the digital music age.