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We’re proud to be profiling all the artists who contributed to the Sounds of Southampton Vol2 album through January 2022. Today we meet Man Like Key

SoCo: Hi there, could we start off with you telling me your name please?

MLK: Yes, sure – I’m Man Like Key

SoCo: And what’s the name of your track?

MLK: It’s All Possible, it’s a collaboration with Bear Like.

SoCo: Great, thanks. Now – can you tell me, what have you learned through being involved in the project?

MLK:  I’ve learned now to promote a new release more accordingly

SoCo: Great, yes, it’s been great to see it get out there. And how has being part of the project has helped you express yourself through your music, or develop your music?

MLK: It’s helped me improve my song writing and spot the pros and cons in the song writing, in order to make improvements. It’s also given me a chance to experience what it’s like to have a lot of funding behind promotion which has given me more insight on how important promotion is. It was also a good opportunity to meet various artists to gain inspiration and help me get more involved with working with new people.

SoCo: Fantastic, great, thanks, that’s so important isn’t it? What other impact has this project had – maybe on your wellbeing, your emotional state?

MLK: I felt really positive about it all and it gave me more assurance in my confidence to be able to start making music as a career.

SoCo: Brilliant. Has the project helped you feel more focused, more motivated?

MLK: Yes, definitely. It was a good kickstart for making more official uploads on platforms such as Spotify and has pushed me to try take the further step in pushing my music out more.

SoCo: That’s great, that’s a really positive step.What other thoughts or ideas or feedback do you have about the project as a whole?

MLK:  It’s been really useful, it’s guided me more on how to promote myself for the future with promotional techniques or strategies

SoCo: And what will your next step be now?

MLK: I’ve got three! I’m going to make more official uploads on platforms such as Spotify, and I’m going to work with more artists such as foor so I can be more active in the music scene. And I’m going to research and learn how to self promote more

Listen to Man Like Key’s’s track on Spotify here, and connect with him on Instagram here

Watch the launch video here and listen to the full album here

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